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How to choose a perfect bicycle helmet?

How to choose a perfect bicycle helmet?

2020-08-14 18:11:24
Wearing a bicycle helmet while cycling is becoming an important part of safe cycling. Not matter during cycling race or riding on the street. There is a rising awareness of cycling safety. There are a wide variety of helmets available in the market. How to choose a perfect bicycle helmet? Here are some tips that may helps.

Choosing a bicycle helmet you need to consider the type of riding you will be doing, like mountain cycling or road cycling or indoor race cycling etc. Different types of riding will requires different protection.

Second is the environmental conditions you will be riding in. It is like a rugged mountain or straight road, it will require different helmet function for protection.

Third, it fits to your head properly. The helmet should fit tightly enough to prevent it from coming off your head in case of an impact while allowing comfort for long term use. As well, it fit head well for your headform since people from different district have different type of headform, like European headform is oval shape, Asian people is round shape, U.S. people is generic shape.

Forth, of course. The helmet should be safe enough. It means to reach relative safety standard. Like helmet for European standard is CE EN1078, and helmet for U.S. is CPSC 1203. etc.

And of course your budget. It helps you to have more choices from different brands.