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Chinese cave rock climbing helmet experts - jenolan caving adventure helmet

Chinese cave rock climbing helmet experts - jenolan caving adventure helmet

aurora supplier 2016-07-14 16:36:05
Come with us on a caving adventure to explore a world of Aboriginal traditions and natural wonders in the Rocky Mountains! Imagine a getaway where you can learn the hands-on skills of our Native forefathers while learning about their culture and gaining a deeper understanding of the Aboriginal people.
caving adventure helmet
On this caving adventure, we will explore a system of underground passages that have been etched and sculpted by glacier water over a period of thousands of years. You will return home with not only a variety of fascinating skills, but also with the mental refreshment that only such a caving experience can produce!

The underground world of Jenolan Caves, with its rivers and maze-like caverns is one of the final frontiers for the explorer in us all. But when you're caving don't expect ladders, handrails and guide lights, the caves you'll be exploring are wild and have no adornments – well, none under 100,000 years old, anyway!
caving adventure helmet
Caving is a technically diverse sport utilising skills and equipment from rock-climbing, abseiling and sometimes SCUBA diving. The entrances are generally small holes in the ground – sometimes you'll crawl into them, often you'll have to abseil in. Once inside, the caves are like a subterranean playground. During a typical caving expedition there are pitches to climb, tunnels to crawl through and pools of water so clear you can see formations, fathoms beneath the surface.

Decked out in overalls, helmets and headlights, caving adventures begin with a safety and equipment briefing. You'll enter Plughole Cave by abseiling (weather permitting) into the "Sinkhole" then caving into Elder Cave to negotiate a series of climbs, crawls and tight squeezes, before worming your way through the "S-bend" tunnels. This is an unforgettable two-hour introductory caving adventure that you’ll always remember.
climbing helmet experts
• Camera
• Loose Comfortable Clothing
• Bug Spray/Repellent
• Binoculars
• Hiking Boots/Durable, Well-Threaded Shoes

• Not Handicapped Accessible
• DO NOT bring Jewelry
• Not recommended for Pregnant Women
• Not recommended for the Physically Challenged
• Not recommended for persons who have Fear of Heights
• Not recommended for persons with recent Arm/Hand Surgery
• Not recommended for persons who suffer from Heart/Respiratory Problems
• Not recommended for persons with Back/Neck Problems or who have had recent Back Surgery
cave helmet
Aurora Sports company specializing in the production of rock climbing, caving helmet, 24 year R&D helmet experience, welcome customization: +86-755-23048882