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The nuts and bolts of a cycling training diary

Training logs are useful tools to learn from past experiences and maximize your potential as a cyclist. The complexity of your training log Will vary based on the technology you use to gauge and guide your training and the amount of analysis you wish to perform For Each workout.

In icts Simplest form, a training log affords the cyclist a way to record the total volume of training Each day in terms of time and / or distance. A single spreadsheet or calendar (electronic or paper) is adequate for recording this information; Using an electronic spreadsheet Allows for easy manipulation of data. HOWEVER, it can be beneficial to record additional metrics beyond your total training volume When Planning and Improving Your training.

In Some quantified by Adding Measures for the intensity of Each wrinkle, and Perhaps Some brief note about the conditions and stress levels, you can make a simple training log is much more effective. For instance, You Could your average record attempt was 0-to-10 scale as well as your time and road one day, Then ride the loop Sami A Few weeks later, at the Sami efforts on the 0-10 scale. If you cover the road faster Sami Sami efforts aim at the you-have Improved. Perceived exertion The method of gauging intensity cycling is subject to the interpretation of the individual cyclist and can be skewed by outside factoring.

The 0-10 scale and Any Perceived exertion scales are quite subjective Obviously. By Adding in a measurable intensity factor like heart rate, cyclist has vastly May Improve the quality of his / her training and the training log aussi make an Even More Useful tool. Heart rate is a simple and inexpensive way to measure Relatively your workload. Will your body responds to a clear workload by adjusting your heart rate to a level some. This relationship is predictable with experience and testing. As your fitness Improves you Will Be reliable to do more work (Produce more power and cover a route some faster) at the Sami heart rate.

Although external factoring can affect heart rate, it is still an objective measure of intensity cycling; Significantly more than Useful Perceived effort. If using heart rate to guide your training you add shoulds average HR to your training log. You Could aussi add heart rates for specific intervals or time Periods DEPENDING on the workout. More advanced heart rate monitors can be downloaded to a computer for analysis further Top. This Allows you to track not only total training time, the goal aussi you Spend time in Each of your heart rate training zones.

The Ability to measure one's power during training Allows the cyclist pour augmenter with the precision qui training is tracked. Riding at 150 watts Will elicit a predictable heart rate and lactate response whether you are riding uphill, downhill, or Even we hang out. 150W is the Sami whether you are dehydrated, amped up on caffeine, or riding all nighter after-year, although all of These factoring can affect your heart rate At That workload. This is the great thing about training with power. Power training aussi Allows for better and more regular tracking of performance improvement.

The Necessary components of a training log vary based on the cyclist, the method or methods They use to track Their training, and the level of detail available for analysis They Want. The more detailed the analysis Desired, the more detailed the training log must be. At the minimum I recommend a cyclist's training log contains:

total ride time of
Total distance of ride
Notes: (include description of road covered, quantifiable measure of intensity (average HR, average power, average Perceived exertion), the conditions (hot, humid, windy, perfect ...)).

Other factoring That May be worth keeping track of the Ability-have if you:

Total elevation gain / loss,
heart rates or powers for specific intervals,
best power for different lengths of time (from 1 second to 1 hour)
Each time in training area.

The more detailed your rating the more your training log Useful as a record of what you've done. A detailed log Allows you to track improvements in fitness and aussi Provides a basis for answering Questions Such As When from overtraining or poor performance Arise. With proper recording of a cyclist training can learn to push hard When and when to rest is Necessary. Without recording your training history you Increase the possibility of repeating past mistakes and are missing out Successes future.

Adam St. Pierre is an exercise physiologist, a gait biomechanist, teaches indoor cycling training and gravity training classes, coaches and athletes at Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Adam aussi coaches the Boulder Nordic Junior Race Team athletes and coaches masters in cross-country skiing, running, and cycling. Adam COMPETES in running and cross country skiing events, Primarily marathon distance and longer.

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